Source code for data_pipelines_cli.cli_commands.generate.model_yaml

import json
import pathlib
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, Sequence

import click
import yaml

from ...cli_utils import echo_info, echo_warning
from ...config_generation import get_profiles_dir_build_path
from ...errors import DataPipelinesError, SubprocessNonZeroExitError
from ..compile import compile_project
from .utils import (

if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
    from typing import TypedDict  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
    from typing_extensions import TypedDict

[docs]class MacroArgName(TypedDict): deps_name: str macro_name: str arg_name: str
def _get_deps_macro_and_arg_name(with_meta: bool) -> MacroArgName: return ( MacroArgName( deps_name="dbt_profiler", macro_name="print_profile_schema", arg_name="relation_name" ) if with_meta else MacroArgName( deps_name="codegen", macro_name="generate_model_yaml", arg_name="model_name" ) ) def _is_ephemeral_model(manifest: Dict[str, Any], model_name: str) -> bool: for node in manifest["nodes"].values(): if node["name"] == model_name: return node["config"]["materialized"] == "ephemeral" raise DataPipelinesError(f"Could not find {model_name} in project's 'manifest.json' file.") def _generate_model_yamls_for_directory( directory: pathlib.Path, env: str, overwrite: bool, macro_arg_name: MacroArgName, profiles_path: pathlib.Path, ) -> None: output_path = get_output_file_or_warn_if_exists(directory, overwrite, "yml") if output_path is None: return click.echo(f"Generating schema file for directory: {str(directory)}") with open(pathlib.Path.cwd().joinpath("target", "manifest.json"), "r") as manifest_json: manifest = json.load(manifest_json) models = [ model for file in directory.glob("*.sql") if not _is_ephemeral_model(manifest, file.stem) for model in generate_models_or_sources_from_single_table( env, macro_arg_name["macro_name"], {macro_arg_name["arg_name"]: file.stem}, profiles_path, )["models"] ] if len(models) == 0: echo_warning( f"{str(directory)} does not have any models. Schema file will not be generated." ) else: with open(output_path, "w") as output_file: yaml.dump( {"version": 2, "models": models}, output_file, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False, ) echo_info(f"Generated source schema file and saved in {output_path}")
[docs]def generate_model_yamls( env: str, with_meta: bool, overwrite: bool, model_paths: Sequence[pathlib.Path] ) -> None: compile_project(env) profiles_path = get_profiles_dir_build_path(env) macro_arg_name = _get_deps_macro_and_arg_name(with_meta) echo_info(f"Generating schema files for directories: {' '.join(map(str, model_paths))}") try: for paths in model_paths: for subdir in paths.glob("**/"): _generate_model_yamls_for_directory( subdir, env, overwrite, macro_arg_name, profiles_path ) except SubprocessNonZeroExitError as err: raise DataPipelinesError( "Error while running dbt command. Ensure that you have " f"{macro_arg_name['deps_name']} installed and you have chosen correct models to " "generate schema.yml out of.\n" + err.message, submessage=err.submessage, )
@click.command(name="model-yaml", help="Generate schema YAML using codegen or dbt-profiler") @click.option("--env", default="local", type=str, help="Name of the environment", show_default=True) @click.option( "--with-meta", type=bool, is_flag=True, help="Whether to generate dbt-profiler metadata" ) @click.option( "--overwrite", type=bool, is_flag=True, help="Whether to overwrite existing YAML files" ) @click.argument( "model-path", type=click.Path(exists=True, path_type=pathlib.Path, file_okay=False, dir_okay=True), nargs=-1, ) def generate_model_yamls_command( env: str, with_meta: bool, overwrite: bool, model_path: Sequence[pathlib.Path] ) -> None: if len(model_path) == 0: raise DataPipelinesError("Command expects at least one 'model-path' argument") generate_model_yamls(env, with_meta, overwrite, model_path)