Source code for data_pipelines_cli.cli_commands.compile

import pathlib
import shutil

import click
import yaml

from ..cli_constants import BUILD_DIR, IMAGE_TAG_TO_REPLACE
from ..cli_utils import echo_error, echo_info, echo_warning
from ..config_generation import (
from ..data_structures import DockerArgs
from ..dbt_utils import read_dbt_vars_from_configs, run_dbt_command
from ..docker_response_reader import DockerResponseReader
from ..errors import (
from ..io_utils import replace
from ..jinja import replace_vars_with_values

def _docker_build(docker_args: DockerArgs) -> None:
    :param docker_args: Arguments required by the Docker to make a push to \
        the repository
    :raises DataPipelinesError: Docker not installed
        import docker
    except ModuleNotFoundError:
        raise DockerNotInstalledError()

    echo_info("Building Docker image")
    docker_client = docker.from_env()
    docker_tag = docker_args.docker_build_tag()
    _, logs_generator =".", tag=docker_tag)
    except DockerErrorResponseError as err:
        raise DataPipelinesError(
            "Error raised when pushing Docker image. Ensure that "
            "Docker image you try to push exists. Maybe try running "
            "'dp compile' first?"

def _dbt_compile(env: str) -> None:
    profiles_path = generate_profiles_yml(env, False)
    echo_info("Running dbt commands:")
    run_dbt_command(("deps",), env, profiles_path)
    run_dbt_command(("compile",), env, profiles_path)
    run_dbt_command(("docs", "generate"), env, profiles_path)
    run_dbt_command(("source", "freshness"), env, profiles_path)

def _copy_dbt_manifest() -> None:
    echo_info("Copying DBT manifest")
        pathlib.Path.cwd().joinpath("target", "manifest.json"),
        BUILD_DIR.joinpath("dag", "manifest.json"),

[docs]def replace_image_settings(docker_args: DockerArgs) -> None: k8s_config = BUILD_DIR.joinpath("dag", "config", "base", "execution_env.yml") echo_info(f"Replacing {IMAGE_TAG_TO_REPLACE} with commit SHA = {docker_args.commit_sha}") replace(k8s_config, IMAGE_TAG_TO_REPLACE, docker_args.commit_sha)
def _replace_datahub_with_jinja_vars(env: str) -> None: datahub_config_path: pathlib.Path = BUILD_DIR.joinpath("dag", "config", "base", "datahub.yml") if not datahub_config_path.exists(): echo_warning( f"File config/base/datahub.yml does not exist in {BUILD_DIR}. " "Content will not be replaced." ) return echo_info(f"Replacing Jinja variables in {datahub_config_path}.") with open(datahub_config_path, "r") as datahub_config_file: updated_config = replace_vars_with_values( yaml.safe_load(datahub_config_file), read_dbt_vars_from_configs(env) ) with open(datahub_config_path, "w") as datahub_config_file: yaml.dump(updated_config, datahub_config_file)
[docs]def compile_project( env: str, docker_build: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Create local working directories and build artifacts. :param env: Name of the environment :type env: str :param docker_build: Whether to build a Docker image :type docker_build: bool :raises DataPipelinesError: """ copy_dag_dir_to_build_dir() copy_config_dir_to_build_dir() docker_args = DockerArgs(env) replace_image_settings(docker_args) _replace_datahub_with_jinja_vars(env) _dbt_compile(env) _copy_dbt_manifest() if docker_build: _docker_build(docker_args)
@click.command( name="compile", help="Create local working directories and build artifacts", ) @click.option( "--env", default="base", type=str, show_default=True, required=True, help="Name of the environment", ) @click.option( "--docker-build", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Whether to build a Docker image", ) def compile_project_command( env: str, docker_build: bool, ) -> None: compile_project(env, docker_build)