Source code for data_pipelines_cli.cli_commands.deploy

import io
import json
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, cast

import click
import yaml

from ..cli_constants import BUILD_DIR
from ..cli_utils import echo_info, subprocess_run
from ..config_generation import read_dictionary_from_config_directory
from ..data_structures import DockerArgs
from ..errors import (
from ..filesystem_utils import LocalRemoteSync

[docs]class DeployCommand: """A class used to push and deploy the project to the remote machine""" docker_args: Optional[DockerArgs] """Arguments required by the Docker to make a push to the repository. If set to `None`, :meth:`deploy` will not make a push""" datahub_ingest: bool """Whether to ingest DataHub metadata""" blob_address_path: str """URI of the cloud storage to send build artifacts to""" provider_kwargs_dict: Dict[str, Any] """Dictionary of arguments required by a specific cloud storage provider, e.g. path to a token, username, password, etc.""" def __init__( self, env: str, docker_push: bool, dags_path: Optional[str], provider_kwargs_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], datahub_ingest: bool, ) -> None: self.docker_args = DockerArgs(env) if docker_push else None self.datahub_ingest = datahub_ingest self.provider_kwargs_dict = provider_kwargs_dict or {} try: self.blob_address_path = ( dags_path or read_dictionary_from_config_directory( BUILD_DIR.joinpath("dag"), "base", "airflow.yml" )["dags_path"] ) except KeyError as key_error: raise AirflowDagsPathKeyError from key_error
[docs] def deploy(self) -> None: """Push and deploy the project to the remote machine :raises DependencyNotInstalledError: DataHub or Docker not installed :raises DataPipelinesError: Error while pushing Docker image """ if self.docker_args: self._docker_push() if self.datahub_ingest: self._datahub_ingest() self._sync_bucket()
def _docker_push(self) -> None: """ :raises DockerNotInstalledError: Docker not installed :raises DataPipelinesError: Error while pushing Docker image """ try: import docker except ModuleNotFoundError: raise DockerNotInstalledError() echo_info("Pushing Docker image") docker_client = docker.from_env() docker_args = cast(DockerArgs, self.docker_args) for line in docker_client.images.push( repository=docker_args.repository, tag=docker_args.commit_sha, stream=True, decode=True, ): click.echo(line) if "error" in line: raise DataPipelinesError( "Error raised when pushing Docker image. Ensure that " "Docker image you try to push exists. Maybe try running " "'dp compile' first?" ) @staticmethod def _datahub_ingest() -> None: """:raises DependencyNotInstalledError: DataHub not installed""" try: import datahub # noqa: F401 except ModuleNotFoundError: raise DependencyNotInstalledError("datahub") echo_info("Ingesting datahub metadata") subprocess_run( [ "datahub", "ingest", "-c", str(BUILD_DIR.joinpath("dag", "config", "base", "datahub.yml")), ] ) def _sync_bucket(self) -> None: echo_info("Syncing Bucket") LocalRemoteSync( BUILD_DIR.joinpath("dag"), self.blob_address_path, self.provider_kwargs_dict ).sync(delete=True)
@click.command( name="deploy", help="Push and deploy the project to the remote machine", ) @click.option("--env", default="base", type=str, help="Name of the environment") @click.option("--dags-path", required=False, help="Remote storage URI") @click.option( "--blob-args", required=False, type=click.File("r"), help="Path to JSON or YAML file with arguments that should be passed to " "your Bucket/blob provider", ) @click.option( "--docker-push", type=bool, is_flag=True, default=False, help="Whether to push image to the Docker repository", ) @click.option( "--datahub-ingest", is_flag=True, default=False, help="Whether to ingest DataHub metadata", ) def deploy_command( env: str, dags_path: Optional[str], blob_args: Optional[io.TextIOWrapper], docker_push: bool, datahub_ingest: bool, ) -> None: if blob_args: try: provider_kwargs_dict = json.load(blob_args) except json.JSONDecodeError: provider_kwargs_dict = yaml.safe_load(blob_args) else: provider_kwargs_dict = None DeployCommand( env, docker_push, dags_path, provider_kwargs_dict, datahub_ingest, ).deploy()